Up close and personal

For all those who want to get to know me a little more I thought I’d share a part of my life with my readers. This is not relevant to my blog topic of music and pop culture entertainment but deep down I am obsessed with spending time with friends and going on little getaways therefore have created this blog post. You could say I’m a wanderer; a lover of exploring new places with friends and making memories. The long weekend spent in Echuca was definitely one to remember. 10 city kids from Melbourne filled 5 p-plater cars and headed off for the country side, leaving the gloomy sky behind.

This photo does not go with my theme of entertainment news, however I want my readers to get an inside to my own personal life and get to know me as a person. I had no specific way I wanted this image to appear apart from including me and my closest friend swimming in the lake which we bathed in over the weekend. This is purely to give my readers an insight into my life.



Lauren xx

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